Scientists show how a mutated gene harms red and white blood cells
New LJI research suggests many people already have T cells with the power to fight "highly pathogenic" avian influenza
LJI Professor Sujan Shresta, Ph.D., is a leader in dengue virus research and vaccine development
LJI scientists look for new ways to fight a sly family of viruses
LJI and Synbal, Inc. scientists develop new tool for pandemic preparedness
Shresta and her LJI colleagues work toward pandemic preparedness as members of the national 'ReVAMPP' network
"We are grateful for this opportunity to deepen our collaboration with such an influential partner in autoimmune research."
San Diego laboratories lead vaccine innovation research through new ARPA-H program
A Q&A with virologist Rúbens Alves, Ph.D.
With this new $300,000 grant, LJI Assistant Professor Miguel Reina-Campos, Ph.D., sets out to make scientific training more accessible
Scientists capture first look at key viral structure within infected host cells